Escape the Gloom

Here in Vancouver, BC, January tends to be the most depressing month of the year, with studies showing the 24th to be the most depressing day of the year. The sun shows up late in the day, and leaves early. The few precious hours we do have with that glowing ball of gas in the sky is usually masked by a thick layer of clouds dumping deluges of rain on our heads.
It's not the best time of year to camp, we agree. It's mostly just the die-hards that head out this time of year, and find themselves wondering why, while they huddle around a small fire under a sketchy tarp, in the dark. Especially when there is a warm, dry home with a hot drink, some popcorn and a movie just sitting there with minimal effort required to enjoy.
However, if you're anything like us, sitting at home just doesn't sound great when there's a whole world out there to explore!
We've been seeing a growing number of people taking off for the winter to get some of that Vitamin D back. Heading south is a great option to escape the January blues and see somewhere new! Driving to California seems like an impossibly long way, but the reality is that it's really not that bad! For a week's worth of sitting in Vancouver's rush hour traffic, you can easily get down to the golden state.
Last winter we decided that we'd had enough of the miserable weather here, and spent 8 days driving to the Mexican border and back. Now, we would not exactly recommend doing this, as we ended up spending nearly all of our time just driving, but it ended up being such a blast! We started our 2017 off with a spontaneous decision that we fed off of for the rest of the year. We saw a lot of amazing places that we had never been to before, and got to see old friends, and make great new friends along the way.
We can't recommend finding your way south this winter enough. It really is the best way to kickstart this new year with some great memories, while escaping the gloom. It's also the perfect time because the parks are empty, the beaches are spacious, and there are plentiful places to camp, because Californians seem to think that 20C is cold. Weird, we know.
In an effort to help more of you get out this winter, we're putting on a promotion for our Roof Top Tent rentals!
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